If you've gotten a SPAM e-mail from Page Planit, please read the following:

Over the last year, thousands of bogus e-mails with a Page Planit return address have been sent out.


With all the software modern hackers have available to them, it's not uncommon for them to "hijack" a domain name and use it to send out e-mails advertising everything from marketing schemes to adult material... any kid with a computer and ill intentions can send these mails.

The only valid Page Planit e-mail address ismy own, kat@pageplanit.com. Mail received from ANY other "@pageplanit.com" name is bogus, please report it to me and/or your Internet Service Provider. If you do send it to your ISP, please include a note stating that it DID NOT originate from Page Planit (pageplanit.com), otherwise my website could be shut down for a SPAM/mass e-mail marketing violation.

Thanks for your understanding on this matter!


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